Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ben & Fran

I've been waiting for these 2 books for quite a while, but first you need a little background.  Katie MacAlister first introduced Francesca Ghetti and Benedikt Czerny in 2005, writing under Katie Maxwell for a young adult audience.  Unfortunately after 2 books in the series she was forced to put Ben and Frans story on hold until now.  I hadn't read either of the original books but lucky for us, they were re-released together in Confessions of a Vampires Girlfriend.

Title:Confessions of a Vampires Girlfriend (Got Fangs? & Circus of the Darned)
Author:Katie MacAlister writing as Katie Maxwell
Genre:YA Paranormal
Copyright:2005 & 2006 (re-release 2010)
Main Characters: Francesca 'Fran' Ghetti and Benedikt 'Ben' Czerny
Supporting Characters:Imogen Sorik, Miranda Ghetti, Soren Sauber

Got Fangs...Fran is 16 and would love nothing more than to be a normal teenager, but normal was never in the cards for her.  She describes herself as 6ft tall and built like a linebacker and it doesn't help that she can read your  emotions with one touch.  Although she's quite 'special' you'd never notice because she travels with the GothFaire her Wiccan mother works for. Yep, when you're surrounded by Moravians, mind readers and magicians being tall is nothing. That is until her friend Imogen's brother comes for a visit.

Benedikt just happens to be 300+ years old and has an appetite for blood. Fran knows he's a Vamp...ahem...Dark One...the moment they meet but she is surprised when she realizes they can read each others minds.  Ben is immediately aware that Fran is his Beloved (more on that later) but is willing to wait on Fran to grow up before they join.  The only thing Fran cares is that Ben is taller then her and she can touch him without passing out, that is until she finds out someone wants him dead.  With a not so little push from her mother, a new horse to take care of and a knee melting kiss, Fran decides to figure out who is stealing from the faire and who wants to stake her possible future at the same time.

Circus of the Darned...All Fran wants is to do is go on a date with her undead beau Ben. Too bad the fates have something else in mind.  Ben is keeping bloody secrets, Soren finds Tesla stolen and now the Valknut, Tibolt gave her for safe keeping has helped to inadvertently raise 12 long dead Vikings.  Vikings who expect "Goddess" Fran to get them to Valhalla... what's a girl to do. 

It takes several members of the Faire and a little mental shower scene to help Fran work out her problems, but in the end Ben still wants her, Tesla is home safe and sound and all her new bloodthirsty Viking friends have moved on.  She may have missed a first date opportunity but hey, she got some great advice and they have time....I mean Ben and Fran do have forever...right?

Buy This Book--Confessions of a Vampire's Girlfriend on Amazon

Title:In the Company of Vampires
Author:Katie MacAlister
Genre:Paranormal Romance
Main Characters:Francesca 'Fran' Ghetti and Benedikt 'Ben' Czerny
Supporting Characters: Imogen, Naomi, David and the 3 coolest Vikings warriors to ever walk the earth...again...Eirik, Finnvid and Isleif.

In the Company of Vampires finds our friend Fran in Oregon, confused and living with a girl named Geoff...and did I mention she hasn't seen Ben in about 5 years. Yeah, how could anyone stay away from Ben that long, especially someone who's supposed to return his soul.  Fran thinks she's content in the life she's made for herself. She's finished college and is about to take a job with her dad in California when someone kidnaps Geoff right off their doorstep and 3 Vikings, she knows to have been sent on, show up with plenty of weasel gold to go around. If that's not enough Fran can't seem to get in touch with her mother, could it be the God Loki has finally sought revenge on her after all these years?  After catching the first flight she could to Germany, Fran, Eirik, Finnvid and Isleif show up at GothFaire to search out the whereabouts of her mom.  Unfortunately for her (fortunately for us) Ben is there as well.  Although she's the one who initiated the breakup, when Fran catches a topless Ben (all the girls stand up and cheer) in the bed of another woman, her heart is absolutely broken. After all he claimed to Fran I'd be irked too. 

Even though Fran swears up and down she's done with Ben, she practically melts when he shows up in her trailer trying to explain he's never betrayed her.  With everything worked out, and the newer more mature Fran giving Ben a blessing to continue seeing Naomi (it's all an act you see), The Virgin Goddess Fran and her Viking Warriors start looking for clues.  With her days filled with mommy searching, God summoning, and of course weapon shopping you'd think Fran would be to tired for Ben at'd be wrong.  In fact I'd have to say this book has one of my favorite sex scenes...probably ever.

Ok moving first Fran is still skeptical about the whole Beloved thing (you see a Beloved is the one woman who can redeem a Dark Ones missing soul after taking the 7 steps in joining) but after realizing she truly does love Ben and him her she has Ben break into a hotel so they can take the final steps(Finally right?).  With that done, they're off in search of the illargi who has Miranda and also for Fran to meet her long lost half sister.

I'm not going to lie, I loved both books and I now realize why the people who had read the originals were so excited for the next chapter in Ben and Frans Saga.  Ben is probably one of my favorite male characters in all of Katie MacAlisters book, and that's saying alot (can we say Adrian, Kristoff, Christain, Baltic, Gabe, Drake, Paen...oh the list goes on and on). All and need to read every book she's ever written.

Buy This Book--In the Company of Vampires on Amazon

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