Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Lost Hero

Title:The Lost Hero
Author:Rick Riordan
Main Characters:Jason Grace; Piper McLean; Leo Valdez
Supporting Characters:Other Demi-gods, monsters and Hera

The Lost Hero is part of the Heroes of Olympia series and follows Rick Riordan's best selling and super popular Percy Jackson series, and picks up a few months after The Last Olympian finishes.  Jason doesn't know who or where he is, or how he got there. For one thing he's on a bus, in the middle of the desert holding hands with a girl he's never seen before...a girl who claims to be his girlfriend Piper...listening to some ADHD kid named Leo talk.  When some jerk from Texas (whoda thunk it) ends up being a venti, storm spirit. They have to work together to get away from the stormy Grand Canyon.  Thankfully Annabeth shows up to whisk them off to Camp Half-Blood, where heroes are made.  Every 2 chapters the Narrator changes between Jason, Piper, and Leo. We come to know they're fears about their pasts, futures and how they're dealing with the present. It's  not easy. Especially when the present brings a prophecy, a missing goddess, and an uprising of something worse then the Titans (we learned of them in Percy's 5 books). 

The group takes off on the back of a celestial bronze dragon in search of Hera and run into some familiar faces along the way like, Thalia and some people who should be dead...i.e. King Midas and the sorceress Medea.  Now Leo, son of Hephaestus, the fire and machine guy...Piper, daughter of Aphrodite...she can charmspeak and Jason...Son of Jupiter...(ehhh Jupiter...well they're the same guy...kinda) have the fight of their lives (and the lives of others) on their hands as they race across North America to reach and free Hera before the Winter Solstice. 

Loved this book...don't know why I wouldn't after Percy but I wasn't sure Mr. Riordan could keep it up. He did and more. I can't wait for next fall when we get more into where Percy is and who the others are in this great prophecy we keep hearing so much about. I'm also looking forward to more talks with gods...I love how Riordan describes their human appearances. And what about how the Roman and Greek gods differ! The man is brilliant!

OH on another note, I'm also still looking forward to learning more about that Rick..this girl wants more Hades!!

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