Sunday, February 27, 2011

Not That Kind of Girl

Title:Not That Kind of Girl
Author:Susan Donovan
Genre:Contemporary Romance
Main Characters:Roxanne Bloom;Eli Gallagher
Supporting Characters:Lilith the dog; Josie & Rick; Ginger & Lucio; Bea; Raymond Sandburg; and of course Gloria Needleman

Not That Kind of Girl is the 3rd and final book in Susan Donovan's 'San Francisco Dog-Walking Group' series (The Night She Got Lucky Blog).  As I always say I'm a big fan of series and it's always a little sweet when one draws to an end. This is definitely true with this series. Ms. Donovan has brought these characters to life and what started as 4 lonely women who spent their free time walking their prized puppies, has turned into a huge group of friends, lovers, children, and yes still a dog or 2.

Not That Kind of Girl centers on man hating Roxie Bloom and her man hating pup Lilith. After Lilith takes a chunk out of Roxie's douchey ex she asks the dog whisperer Eli Gallagher for help. Every time Eli and Roxie have met in the past it's been electric and now that they are to spend time together working these 2 are likely to combust.  Between pregnancy hormones, gorgeous sunrises and blog readers with an angry side this book is sure to be loved by all and of course any fan of Ms. Donovan will absolutely love it.

Buy this Book--Not That Kind of Girl on Amazon

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This Side of the Grave

Title:This Side of the Grave
Author:Jeaniene Frost
Genre:Paranormal Romance
Pages:357 (paperback)
Main Characters:Catherine (Cat) Crawfield;Bones
Supporting Characters:Vlad, Mencheres, Fabian, Don...etc etc etc to all of the other characters we love so much.

This Side of the Grave is the 5th installment of Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress Series and the 7th book in the 'Night Huntress World'. I started reading this series after picking up Death's Excellent Vacation, mainly to read Charlaine Harris' newest Sookie story, and finding 'One for the Money' a Cat & Bones short story taking place after the 4th book in the series, Destined for an Early Grave. Let's just say I was totally hooked.  I went back to buy the first 4 books and the 2 spin offs First Drop of Crimson and Eternal Kiss of Darkness. This was in January. Here's a little history on the series.

Cat and Bones met 7+ years ago when a younger Cat Crawfield was hunting Vampires. Bones is a Century++ old Master vampire who also happens to be a vampire bounty hunter.  When Cat kills Bones' target he kidnaps her for answers. Only after realizing that Cat herself is a half vamp does Bones offer to train her to suit both their needs. Soon Cat finds Bones irresistible, what with his chiseled cheek bones and the way his British accent purrs the word 'Kitten', who wouldn't.  The 2 are an unmatchable team but Cat decides leaving Bones is the only way to keep him forward to book 2 and everything has changed. Cat now works for the government and Bones never stopped looking for her *sigh*. As to not give to much away I'll just say the next 3 books are a fast paced roller coaster ride of emotions (tears were shed) leading up to this new installment.

In This Side of the Grave, Cat and Bones are trying to prevent ANOTHER war from breaking out. I mean seriously this would be the 3rd. It seems the only way to do this is to once again enlist all of the friends we've met along the way, including Mencheres with recently turned Kira (Kiss of Eternal Darkness) Spade *sigh again* and his wife the Demon marked Denise (First Drop of Crimson) along with the glorious Vlad, hunky Tate, ghostly Fabian, Flesh Eater Dave and the ever fun name a few. Although a group of Ghouls is hell-bent on using Cat as their starter fluid in this uprising she has decided that's just not gonna happen. With a little sneaky help from the famed ghoul Majestic (you'll have to read to believe), Cat just might beat the clock on her time limit...but just barely.

Expect a few tears, I always do, because Ms. Frost once again pulls on those heartstrings.  These books have fast become some of my favorites and I'd reccomend them to everyone who loves a great supernatural/paranormal story, in fact I already have. Read them you won't be dissapointed.

One last thing. Is it September yet?

Buy this Book--This Side of the Grave on Amazon

Friday, February 25, 2011

Catching Up!!

I've been sooooo behind on blogging my favorite books *shakes fists at the Holidays* so to play a little catch up I'll fill you in on what I've been reading.

First up Julia Quinn's Bridgerton Series.
This Historical Romance Series follows the 8 Briderton Siblings find love. It's spread throughout several years as Hyacinth, the baby of the family, hasn't even hit puberty when sister Daphne meets her Duke in book 1. I LOVED this series. Ms. Quinn takes you on the journey with the 4 Bridgerton boys and their 4 sisters. Anthony, Benedict, Collin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory and Hyacinth with all capture your heart and you'll find it hard to pick a favorite. But here's my secret, I love a book that makes me cry so I'm partial to 'When He Was Wicked' (featuring Francesca).

These are probably Ms. Quinns most popular books/characters so look to her Website to view the second epilogues for these fan favorites. Enjoy!!

Next up is Michelle Rowen's
   Immortality Bites Series.

This Supernatural Romance series follows new vampire Sarah Dearly and friends battle all the wrongdoers and fang haters. With her older than dirt boyfriend/adoptive sire Thierry, 'I wanna be a vampire too' best friend, Slayer turned Vamp Quinn (Lady & the Vamp) and timid warewolf pet you'd think Sarah has enough to deal with. Unfortunately she's not that lucky...everyone seems to be after the sassy star of these books.

If you're looking for a fun little series that lacks a little spice in the *ahem* bedroom, this is one for you. I've actually really enjoyed all of Ms. Rowen's books I've read and I'm looking forward to reading her 'Living in Eden' series which the first 2 books are waiting for me on my bookshelf. 

If you're looking for more information on this series or any of Michelle Rowen's other series you can go to her website