Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some Like It Scot

Title:Some Like It Scot
Author:Donna Kauffman
Genre:Contemporary Romance
Main Characters:Katie McAuley;Graham McLeod
Supporting Characters:Roan; Shay; Blaine

Who doesn't love a man with an accent, especially a Scottish accent. In 'Some Like It Scot', Donna Kauffman does an excellent job bringing her kilt wearing hero to life. I shouldn't have been surprised, she's done it before and I'm sure she'll do it again.

We start the story in Kinloch, with Graham arguing with his 2 best friends Shay and Roan about the McLeod/McAuley marriage pact, which pretty much says one has to marry the other in order to stay in the position on Clan leader....confusing eh? Graham has 5 weeks to take a bride to stay in the position he's been holding since his grandfather passed. He takes his only available option and jumps on a plane to Maryland to track down a McAuley.

Katie is said McAuley and happens to be standing in her wedding dress in the prayer garden behind the chapel when she meets Graham. He doesn't initially know it's her he's looking for and spills the story of the pact. The stars a line and fireworks burst and angels sing when Graham stands up to stop the wedding, a wedding Katie doesn't want anyways...a wedding to her best friend...he best friend who doesn't have feeling for her that fact he doesn't have feelings for any woman, just his best man! Graham sweeps Katie off her feet, literally, and carries her to the waiting limo and they start their journey back to Scotland.

In the 2 plus day trip Katie and Graham get to know each other, in more ways then one. Whether it's drooling on one another's shoulders or sharing an erotic daydream?....well I guess that's what you'd call it. By the time they reach the island they both know they cannot join just because some 300 year old law says so. Luckily by now the feelings they have for each other quite a bit deeper.

Ms. Kauffman is an excellent story teller, and an even better writer. I sometimes find her books a bit wordy and hard to get through but didn't have a problem with this one. I even found myself speaking in a Scottish Brogue when I'd finished...whoops. 'Some Like it Scot' is an enjoyable adventure and I hope Ms. Kauffman continues with the stories of the other men of Kinloch!

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